Monday, July 23, 2012

A Sign of the Times

Lorne Wiebe has written another article about issues important to business owners, for the local online hub serving Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry - .  What follows is an introduction to that article. The full article can be read in his column, "Risky Business"

A Sign of the Times
In this series of articles, we’ve been digging through the myriad of potential gaps in your business insurance coverage; gaps which could place your company at risk. Many of the gaps might not be obvious at first glance but when you think about some of the limits of coverage outlined in a typical insurance policy and consider today’s costs to repair or replace certain items after a loss, it suddenly becomes apparent that you might be underinsured in certain areas.

In this series of articles, we’ve been digging through the myriad of potential gaps in your business insurance coverage; gaps which could place your company at risk. Many of the gaps might not be obvious at first glance but when you think about some of the limits of coverage outlined in a typical insurance policy and consider today’s costs to repair or replace certain items after a loss, it suddenly becomes apparent that you might be underinsured in certain areas. 

One good example of this is your company’s outdoor signage. Now, it might be the case that every day you drive past your company sign which is out in front of your parking lot and you’ve seen it so often you never give it a second thought. But that rather innocuous sign could end up causing you big headaches if it is ever damaged. It might have been erected a decade ago or more and perhaps you figure it’s not worth a whole lot of money. But if you ever have to replace it, you could be in for a shock.  ....

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