If you looked out your window at mid-afternoon you would swear it was mid-night. Dark storm clouds completely filled the skies of Ottawa on the afternoon of July 23
rd . At first, this appeared to be a blessing; we hadn’t seen much precipitation and some rain would be nice. Unfortunately, we got a little bit more then we bargained for.
At first, it seemed like the outlying areas were seeing the worst of the storm. The Lanark region had been put under a Tornado warning and there had already been un-confirmed reports of Tornado touchdowns. At approximately 3:00 Pm
Ottawa began to receive its share of the severe weather. A large storm pummeled the Nations Capital with lightening, strong winds and large hail. Downed trees caused damages to properties and power lines which lead to thousands of people without hydro. Probably the most frightening part of the storm was the golf-ball sized hail. The hail was so large that it caused significant damages to the automobiles of many
Ottawa residents.
The Account Managers of
Rhodes & Williams have been very busy this week assisting all of their clients’ needs surrounding this storm. When Personal Lines Account Manager-
Carol Kelly was asked about the storm, she responded “I’m up to about 10 auto claims”. Carol continued to explain that the hail was so large it caused considerable damage to the exterior of many vehicles. West of Ottawa, strong winds brought down thousands of trees. Personal Lines Account Manager-
Laurie Hall-Groulx has been busy assisting clients with damages resulting from fallen trees.
July 23
rd is a prime example of the weather forces that Ontarians should be
prepared for. Always monitor weather bulletins and plan accordingly if severe weather is imminent in your area.
Read more about this storm in a story created by local live tweets of people on scene:
[<a href="http://storify.com/ottawainsurance/ottawa-hail-storm-july-23rd-2012" target="_blank">View the story "Ottawa Hail Storm - July 23rd, 2012" on Storify</a>]<h1>Ottawa Hail Storm - July 23rd, 2012</h1><h2>On July 23, 2012 - many areas in Ontario were pounded by heavy winds, rain and golf ball sized hail. Many Rhodes & Williams Insurance Broker clients have reported hail damage and we continue to help clients try to clean up after this storm</h2><p>Storified by Rhodes & Williams Insurance Brokers · Mon, Jul 30 2012 09:57:13</p><div>Hearing a lot of rumbling in Ottawa coming from the North West... Here we go! #onstormKyle Smith</div><div>RT @kylesweather: Severe Thunderstorm Warning NOW issued for Ottawa #onstorm http://pic.twitter.com/KbMKt8q9Lisa Robinson</div><div>We've got hail over #rideauhall #ottawa #onstorm http://pic.twitter.com/CHg6ZlOAbethany harpur</div><div>RT @kylesweather: Intense lightning now moving into the Ottawa area, take cover. Stay indoors. A warning is in effect #onstorm http://pic.twitter.com/DdiC72QRIan Black</div><div>@BlacksWeather #onstorm http://pic.twitter.com/vsR8A5tAJason D</div><div>Big hail in Orleans!Rhodes & Williams </div><div>Here comes the even bigger hail!!!Rhodes & Williams </div><div>Wow, hail is getting bigger #onstorm #Ottawa and I mean BIG. Almost golf ball size http://pic.twitter.com/9vmLTKIoElisia Saam-Quinty</div><div>Yikes those are huge! Be careful out there #Ottawa! RT @flash_fix: Ottawa's Hail! http://pic.twitter.com/G77R8G0R #onstormPixel Lens</div><div>Storm clouds over #ottawa #experimenalfarm #onstorm #ottweather http://instagr.am/p/Nb3VA2K6wy/Tom in Kanata</div><div>intermittent power outages, black skies, hitting Osgoode at 4:15 pm. #onstormJoe Banks</div><div>Here's our #onstorm story so far, including that unconfirmed tornado at a campground near Eganville: http://bit.ly/P4HssY #ottweatherCTV Ottawa</div><div>The rink is full! If it was -30, we'd have ice @jimpearson95 #onstorm @CTVNews http://pic.twitter.com/UdgEucptCatharine Hrnchiar</div><div>RT @CBCOttawa: Tornado warning issued for west of Ottawa http://bit.ly/On2MpPRhodes & Williams </div><div>RT @ctvottawa: Here's the start of our viewer photo gallery from yesterday's #onstorm, you can still upload more to MyNews: http://bit.ly/MUzwXZ #ottnewsRhodes & Williams </div><div>For our clients affected by that storm yesterday - our phone lines are open and we are ready to help! #insuranceRhodes & Williams </div><div>Did any of my followers experience damage to car or house from the storm yesterday?Rhodes & Williams </div><div>Hail damages hundreds of cars in east-end dealerships http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Hail+damages+hundreds+cars+east+dealerships/6989937/story.html via @ottawacitizenRhodes & Williams </div>
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